2011 Medal of Honor Commemorative Coins Prices Set for Increase
March 25, 2011 by Darrin Lee Unser · Leave a Comment
Introductory prices on the 2011 Medal of Honor Silver Dollars and the 2011 Medal of Honor $5 Gold Coins are set to end early next week, leaving buyers a few short days to purchase them at reduced prices. Effective on Monday, March 28, 2011, at 5:00 P.M. (Eastern Time), the cost of each of the commemorative coins will increase by $5 as they move to their regular price points.

This US Mint brochure describes the 2011 Medal of Honor Commemorative Coin Program and denotes the introductory and regular prices points for the silver dollars and $5 gold pieces.
The United States Mint initially released the 2011 Medal of Honor Commemorative Coins on February 25 as the second of two commemorative coin series to be issued this year (the first was the United States Army Commemorative Coins).
The strikes were minted to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the creation of the first Medal of Honor in 1861 and to acknowledge and honor the individuals who received the medal since its creation.
The Medal of Honor is the highest award for valor that can be awarded to a member of the United States military. Recipients have typically shown extreme gallantry in the face of danger from enemy forces performing acts that are above and beyond the call of duty at great risk to their own life.
Nominations for this award are either handled through the military chain of command or are nominated through a special act of Congress. Once approved, the award is presented to the individual (or to their memory if they are deceased) by the President of the United States in the name of Congress. Since its creation, less than 3,500 individuals have been recipients of the Medal of Honor.
The US Mint’s Medal of Honor Commemorative Coin Program includes a $5 gold coin and a silver dollar. Both of these are struck to proof and uncirculated qualities for a total of four distinctive pieces included as part of the series.
The $5 Gold Coin currently has a price of $439.95 for the uncirculated and $449.95 for the proof. These prices will increase to $444.95 and $454.95, respectively. The obverse of the five dollar 90% gold coin shows the original 1861 Navy Medal of Honor while the reverse includes an image of Minerva in front of a Civil War era cannon. She is holding a shield in her right hand and a Union flag in her left.
Medal of Honor Silver Dollars are offered for $49.95 for the uncirculated and $54.95 for the proof. These prices will increase to $54.95 and $59.95, respectively. Each of the silver coins is struck from 90% silver and shows the three current Army, Navy and Air Force Medals of Honor on its obverse and a scene showing a contemporary Army infantry soldier carrying a wounded soldier to safety under enemy fire.
The commemoratives may be purchased directly from the United States Mint website (http://www.usmint.gov/) or via its toll free phone line at 1-800-USA-MINT (872-6468).